Asian Strategic Review 2002: Asian Security Strategies in a Period of Uncertainty
Publisher: IDSA
ISBN: 81-86019-464
Rs. 500
Publisher: IDSA
ISBN: 81-86019-464
Rs. 500
Publishers: IDSA and Promilla & Co.
ISBN: 81-86019-51-9
Rs 1350
US $ 50
This book provides some important perspectives on the emerging nuclear order. The contributors discuss most burning questions of the day: What are the challenges to the global nuclear regime? What are the consequences of a nuclear Iran for West Asian peace and stability? Will it give rise to a nuclear quest among the important West Asian states?
This book is about the future of Afghanistan which seems to be rapidly slipping into chaos. It contains perspectives on counter-insurgency and nation-building in Afghanistan. More significantly, the experts sought to answer the crucial question: what can be done to stabilise Afghanistan? This volume is a collection of their insightful papers.
Publishers: IDSA and Shipra
ISBN: 81-7541-224-0
Rs 1250
US $ 80
Publisher: Academic Foundation
ISBN 13 : 978-81-7188-626-5
ISBN 10 : 81-7188-626-4
Rs. 895
US $ 69.95
The 21st century has been described as the ‘Asian Century.’ Home to 60 per cent of the world’s population and accounting for one-fourth of its Gross Domestic Product, by 2050, Asia will also have three of the world’s largest economies—China, India, and Japan. A dynamic hub in this rising Asia is the Southeast Asian region—encompassing diverse countries, peoples and cultures. The 9th Asian Security Conference addressed a range of issues and trends affecting this crucial region and their implications for regional and Asian security.
The contemporary strategic context is increasingly defined by the rapid growth of major Asian economies and the rapidly increasing interest the major powers are evincing in the region. It has also resulted in a perceptible shift in power to the Asian continent.
This is an insightful analysis of inter- and intra-state conflicts and tensions in the countries of Asia even as the centre of gravity of economic, political and technological power is shifting from the Trans-Atlantic zone to Asia, particularly to East, South and Southeast Asia.