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  • India’s Bilateral Security Relationship in South Asia

    The article argues that the contours of a security architecture are becoming slowly visible in South Asia. This process is nurtured by two developments. First, since the 2000s, India has increased its security cooperation with nearly all its neighbours in South Asia. Second, since 2013 governments in New Delhi have promoted the concept of India as a security provider in the region and the Indian Ocean.

    January 2018

    Amit Kumar Jha asked: What is ‘Agartala Doctrine’? Why has it been ignored in India’s foreign policy?

    Pushpita Das replies:The so-called Agartala Doctrine is a distillation of the principles derived from the policies and postures adopted by successive governments in Tripura vis-à-vis East Pakistan and later Bangladesh. The same has been recommended for the Union government’s consideration. According to its advocates, the doctrine would not only help state governments in safeguarding the interests of their own people but also work towards strengthening the Union government’s neighbourhood policy.

    The Unintended Consequences of India’s Policy on Citizenship for Tibetan Refugees

    The four conditions for acquiring Indian citizenship and new regulations to ease the travel abroad of Tibetan refugees could cause the dismantling of Tibetan settlements which are the nerve centres of the preservation and promotion of Tibetan civilization.

    February 23, 2018

    ASEAN-India: Challenges in Economic Partnership

    Reciprocity and mutual understanding on common concerns will help both ASEAN and India to overcome some of the challenges facing their relationship.

    February 01, 2018

    To make Chabahar a ‘Game Changer’ Central Asian states need to be roped in

    India needs to rope in one or more of the Central Asian countries, preferably Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, in the Chabahar project, to fully exploit its potential.

    December 12, 2017

    High Fuel Prices: Does the End Justify the Means?

    The contentious discourse in the media ignores the implications of state taxes on rising fuel prices.

    September 27, 2017

    Does India Need Thermonuclear Weapons

    While thermonuclear weapons are not necessary for maintaining a credible deterrent, they serve the purpose of enabling India to make effective use of its relatively limited fissile material stockpile.

    September 22, 2017

    Defence Reforms: Why is it Critical to Bite the Proverbial Bullet?

    This policy brief attempts to suggest six critical policy imperatives that must act as guidelines for the ongoing attempt at defence reforms.

    September 11, 2017

    India’s Membership in Shanghai Cooperation Organisation: An Appraisal

    This Backgrounder evaluates the possible advantages and challenges stemming from India’s membership in SCO.

    August 29, 2017

    Making the Right to Information (RTI) work in Defence

    Adhering to the RTI Act in letter and spirit will lead to more responsible decision-making, greater accountability, and more credibility to the actions of the MoD.

    August 21, 2017

