US-China Relations

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  • ‘Cheonan’ Epilogue: Prelude to the Sino-US Incompatibility on the South China Sea Dispute

    The 'Cheonan' incident has prodded and expedited the strategic comeback of the US in East Asia. The US offer to mediate the territorial disputes over islands and seabed minerals in the South China Sea at the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) meeting in July 2010 has provoked harsh criticism from the Chinese. This US diplomatic move appears to be a premeditated one to substantially diminish the influence of China in the region, to re-secure its own strategic forward military presence and to signal that it is not yet time for China to acquire absolute control over this critical waterway.

    July 2011

    Hu Jintao’s State Visit to the United States: An attempt to put the Sino-US narrative in place

    While the Chinese president’s trip concluded with a joint statement and the signing of trade and investment deals, it achieved little in terms of addressing pressing global problems and bilateral issues.

    February 01, 2011

    How to look at President Hu Jintao’s US Visit: Détente or Stalemate?

    Primarily because of the uncertainties surrounding US-China relations, the Hu-Obama summit ended in a stalemate with both leaders agreeing to disagree on important matters.

    January 27, 2011

    NASA Engaging China

    NASA Administrator Charles Bolden visited Beijing on October 16 – 21 to discuss cooperation in manned space flight. While one swallow does not make a summer, it may signal that the US may be considering greater engagement with China in outer space, particularly manned flight.

    October 29, 2010

    The Dragon has landed for the American Eagle

    Sino-US rivalry has been simmering for the past many years, as China has replaced Russia in the American scheme of things as its most potent adversary.

    October 13, 2010

    Pentagon Report on China: Assessment or Exaggeration?

    Even though the report is fairly cautious in what it says and does not highlight anything new, the reactions on the Chinese side have not been that positive.

    August 26, 2010

    Chinese and American Muscle-flexing in South-China Sea: Implications for India

    India has to calibrate its relationship with China, the US, and countries of East Asia with great circumspection in the wake of the resurfacing of tensions in the South China Sea.

    August 19, 2010

    UNSC statement on “Cheonan”: Sino-US compromise or limits of diplomacy

    The UNSC statement is more a testimony to Sino-US compromise arrived at after nearly a month and half of negotiations rather than being a “diplomatic victory” as has been hailed by North Korea.

    July 23, 2010

    Deflecting the Assassin’s Mace: The Pentagon’s New AirSea Battle Concept and its Strategic Relevance to India

    Indian strategists may well find that many of the tactical quandaries faced today by the US carrier fleets cruising through the Asia Pacific are destined to become those of the Indian Navy in the not-too-distant future. Devising an AirSea Battle concept would enable it to parry blows and reassert sea control.

    July 07, 2010

    Contradictory Tendencies in the India-China Relationship: Does it help the bilateral relationship?

    Contradictions in India-China relations provide the rationale for greater engagement exactly like it has done in the case of US-China relations.

    March 10, 2010

