Arvind Gupta

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  • Dr. Arvind Gupta was Director General at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi. Click here for detailed profile

    Issues and Prospects of the NPT Review Conference 2010

    It is unlikely that the Revcon will be able to agree on a credible roadmap for nuclear disarmament although there may be some marginal progress on some issues.

    April 30, 2010

    Nord Stream takes shape: A big victory for Russia

    The Nord Stream Project will further strengthen Prime Minister Putin’s vision of positioning Russia as a major power in the world.

    April 12, 2010

    NPT Review Conference 2010: Issues and Prospects

    This article lists the major issues before the 2010 Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference and goes into the politics behind them. It concludes that as long as the treaty remains iniquitous, it will not be able to prevent nuclear proliferation. The forthcoming nuclear summit in April 2010 provides an opportunity for all countries to work towards a nuclear weapons convention, which outlaws nuclear weapons and promotes genuine nuclear disarmament.

    March 2010

    Vicious anti-India propaganda in Pakistan on Water issues

    Though the Indus Water Treaty apportions 80 per cent of the waters of the Indus River Basin to Pakistan and only 20 per cent to India, Pakistan is engaged in baseless allegations to inflame public opinion and project India as its number one threat.

    March 29, 2010

    A feeble approach

    The report provides useful documentation on nuclear issues but falls short of making recommendations which would speed up nuclear disarmament. This is not surprising considering that many of the Commissioners are from nuclear armed states or from ones which enjoy the comfort of a nuclear umbrella. Actually, the report may have the unintended impact of strengthening the hawks in nuclear and security establishments as it fails to put enough moral pressure on them to undertake drastic measures to achieve nuclear disarmament.

    March 18, 2010

    Pakistan wants to play a central role in the Afghan settlement

    Karzai’s use of the word ‘proxy war’ in relation to India’s reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts can only be understood in view of the West’s fatigue in Afghanistan and the growing importance of Pakistan

    March 18, 2010

    Renaissance of Russia’s Foreign Policy in 2009

    Russia has considerably enhanced its international position by leveraging Western weaknesses stemming from the unwinnable war in Afghanistan and the adverse impact of the financial crisis, as well as Western dependence in dealing with Iran and North Korea.

    February 11, 2010

    The London Conference: It is time for India to reassess its Afghan Policy

    This is a good time for India to review its Afghan strategy taking into account increasing war weariness of the Western forces and President Karzai’s policy of reintegrating the ‘good Taliban’.

    February 01, 2010

    Copenhagen Accord has initiated a drift in climate change negotiations

    The Copenhagen Accord is weak and a step back from the Bali Action Plan which talked about four pillars of negotiations – mitigation, adaptation, financial support and technology transfer.

    January 04, 2010

