Arvind Gupta

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  • Dr. Arvind Gupta was Director General at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi. Click here for detailed profile

    India can learn from the US experience in securing its borders

    India faces risks at its borders even more severe than those faced by the United States. Indian authorities would benefit by studying the US methodologies and experience and drawing appropriate lessons.

    December 14, 2009

    An economically exhausted America is withdrawing from Afghanistan

    The United States is facing serious economic problems, and Obama seems to have drawn the lesson that national security is not just about military strength but that it is equally about the economy, partnerships and diplomacy.

    December 08, 2009

    The rise of predatory state

    The incisive analysis of the vulnerabilities of the Chinese economy presented in this book is supported by a mass of statistics and data. Managing Chaos is a serious work. The book is essential reading for those trying to understand the Chinese economic miracle.

    December 08, 2009

    The Situation in Balochistan

    Resource-rich Balochistan province has high rates of poverty, unemployment, illiteracy and infant and maternal mortality.

    October 05, 2009

    China’s Changing Worldview

    Recent Chinese writings indicate that the Chinese see themselves as a major player in international affairs. They see the global economic crisis as an historic opportunity to redefine the Chinese role. The following is a summary of broad points made in recent Chinese writings on a variety of international issues.

    August 04, 2009

    Indo-Pak Joint Statement: India puts faith in Pakistan’s sincerity

    Pakistan’s Prime Minister Gilani and Indian Prime Minster Manmohan Singh signed a joint statement on July 16, 2009 at Sharm el-Sheikh inEgypt on the margins of theNAM summit. In India the statement has been seen as a softening of India’s stand towards Pakistan. In Pakistan it has been seen as a “victory” for Pakistani diplomacy.

    July 20, 2009

    India in a Changing Global Nuclear Order

    India in a Changing Global Nuclear Order
    • Publisher: Academic Foundation (2009)

    This insightful book, with contributions by leading experts on the nuclear issue in India, covers all such important aspects and provides robust analysis of the global nuclear order in terms of its implications for India and global disarmament.

    • ISBN 978-81-7188-770-5,
    • Price: ₹. 895/-

