United Nations

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  • China’s vulnerability to terrorism behind its support for Azhar ban

    It is neither the Wuhan spirit nor India’s zero tolerance on terrorism but China’s own vulnerability to terror that caused Beijing to ultimately take on board New Delhi’s concerns on terrorism.

    May 06, 2019

    What pales the counter-terrorism regime

    What pales the counter-terrorism regime is not that its procedures are cumbersome or that its working is not transparent, but that it only selectively raises the cost for those who inflict terror.

    May 06, 2019

    Bringing Capacity Building in Cybersecurity to the fore

    For a global build-up of cybersecurity, capacity building needs to be given much more importance than it has received till date.

    December 26, 2018

    Kishore asked: What are the key hurdles to the adoption of the UN Comprehensive Convention on Terrorism?

    Arpita Anant replies: India tabled a Draft Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism (CCIT) in the UN General Assembly in 1996 (A/C.6/51/6, November 11, 1996). The thrust of the convention was to ensure state support to prosecute or extradite those who have committed acts of terrorism in a third country.

    Anjali Singh asked: India has not ratified the UN Refugees Convention and doesn't have a national policy either. What kind of challenges India faces in view of such a policy void?

    Rajeesh Kumar replies: It is true that India is neither a party to the United Nations Refugee Convention and nor have a national refugee protection framework. However, lack of a specific legal framework does not mean that the country was in a dilemma whenever a refugee crisis arose. India dealt with multiple refugee crises and hosted refugees from several countries including Tibet, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq. At present, India is host to around 300,000 refugees from more than 25 countries.

    India's ICJ Win: Triumph of Multilateral Realpolitik?

    The re-election of Justice Dalveer Bhandari to the ICJ is an endorsement of the multilateral diplomacy based on realpolitik that India has been practicing in recent years.

    December 06, 2017

    Possible Outcomes after the US Exit from the Paris Climate Agreement

    China may emerge as the sole leader of global climate negotiations by supporting the Green Climate Fund, which faces a budget crisis with the US exit. This will also provide an opportunity for China to reshape its current global image.

    June 06, 2017

    Rahul Raj Mishra asked: What can India and Indian actors do to strengthen the system of collective security based on the United Nations Charter?

    Arpita Anant replies: First, a point of clarification. In the realm of security, the United Nations (UN) continues to retain a predominantly inter-governmental character, thus giving more space for states to act and in some instances even influence certain matters. India and those representing it, therefore, too have some space and opportunity to influence the working of the Charter system. However, Indians in the UN system/bureaucracy and those who are members of the UN panels must be treated separately.

    Brexit: Harbinger of an Unexpected New World Order

    The stunning British vote of June 24, 2016, to quit the European Union (EU)—dubbed Brexit—has triggered a major realignment of economic and political forces across the globe, strengthening the template of a new world order tilted towards Moscow, Beijing and the rising powers of Asia and Africa. As Washington nervously recognizes, there will be a decline in the influence of the US, EU and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the latter two having served as instruments of US global domination.

    January 2017

    2017 Conference to Outlaw Nuclear Weapons: Time Ripe for a Stand-Alone Disarmament Instrument?

    The First Committee vote is a culmination of a long-drawn campaign and marks a dramatic shift in the affairs of the non-proliferation regime.

    November 04, 2016

