United Nations

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  • Ukraine’s Nuclear Disarmament Decision and Security Assurances

    Ukraine’s security predicament in the face of the Russian military onslaught brings into focus the vacuity of big power security assurances in the absence of legally binding security guarantees and treaty commitments.

    June 10, 2022

    India’s Contribution to Global Governance of Peacekeeping

    Indian interventions on the subject of peacekeeping is a testimony to its abiding interest not only in the workings of the peacekeeping mechanism but also in the global governance of peacekeeping.

    February 17, 2022

    Decoding State of Affairs in Mali: Internal Politics, Security Crisis and External Involvement

    Recurrent coups have increased the existing political instability in Mali. A major issue has been the unidimensional focus of the international community and regional players in providing only military support without adequately pushing for strengthening of Malian government apparatus.

    January 14, 2022

    India and the Geopolitics of UNSC Permanent Membership

    The United Nations completed 75 years of its existence in 2020. The last 75 years have been a roller coaster ride for this global institution mandated to maintain peace. However, the UN has received widespread criticism for not reforming its various institutions, particularly the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). The G-4 nations which includes India, have led the call for accelerating the long-awaited reform process.

    July 2021

    Mali: Growing Trend of Violence Against UN Peacekeepers

    The growing trend of attacks on international entities besides the government units and civilians in Mali is an issue of serious concern. The complex security situation in Mali and high fatalities of peacekeepers has led to MINUSMA being perceived as the most dangerous UN Peacekeeping mission.

    October 25, 2021

    China’s Position towards UN Security Council Reform: Balancing Legitimacy and Efficiency

    Strategic Analysis, Volume 44, Issue 5 (2020)

    Special Issue: UN@75 – Challenges Ahead

    September 2020

    The United Nations’ Evolution and India’s Role

    Strategic Analysis, Volume 44, Issue 5 (2020)

    Special Issue: UN@75 – Challenges Ahead

    September 2020

    The United Nations and Global Environmental Governance

    Strategic Analysis, Volume 44, Issue 5 (2020)

    Special Issue: UN@75 – Challenges Ahead

    September 2020

    The United Nations and Disarmament

    Strategic Analysis, Volume 44, Issue 5 (2020)

    Special Issue: UN@75 – Challenges Ahead

    September 2020

