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  • Beyond the Maoist Split: The political impasse to continue

    Genuine negotiation efforts, timely discussions, and broader participation of groups asserting rights based on identity are necessary to help break the impasse in Nepali politics on the issue of federalism.

    July 02, 2012

    Nepal: The Constituent Assembly that was…..

    Nepal’s Constituent Assembly did have some positive achievements, the most important among these being the integration of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of the UCPN-M, although it failed to fulfil its other main task of finalising a constitution.

    June 01, 2012

    Constitutional and Political Evolution in Nepal: Dangers of Federalism

    A modus vivendi that accepts the concept of federalism in principle as well as the devolution of administrative and financial powers in key functional areas is the need of the hour.

    May 29, 2012

    The Madhesi Movement in Nepal: Implications for India

    This article examines the different narratives on the ‘Madhes’ identity, and situates this discourse in the ethno-linguistic mosaic of the Terai region as well as the larger Nepali political scenario, by identifying the reasons for their increasing assertiveness in politics. The paper argues that exploitation and discrimination by the upper-caste Pahadi migrant communities (especially during the monarchy period) and the Nepali state has played an important role in the consolidation of the Madhesi identity.

    July 2011

    UN's Role in South Asia: The Case of Nepal

    Nepal has conducted a slew of political experiments since 2006. By inviting the Maoists into the mainstream and collectively deciding to dump the Constitution of 1990, there was hope that a new era of peace and stability would begin with the end of the decade-long armed insurgency. The Constituent Assembly (CA) elections of 2008 saw the emergence of the Maoists as the largest party—which was a totally unexpected and surprising outcome for the international community.

    November 2011

    The Terror Challenge In South Asia and Prospect of Regional Cooperation

    The Terror Challenge In South Asia and Prospect of Regional Cooperation
    • Publisher: Pentagon Security International

    This book is an attempt to study the problem of terrorism in South Asia, which has often been perceived as its hub. The contributors to the volume belonging to South Asian region have provided valuable insights on the issue of terrorism and have also suggested measures to deal with the problem. They consider terrorism as a phenomenon that has been harmful to society, economy and polity of the South Asian nations. At the same time, they also point out that there should not be over-emphasis on the use of force. In fact, a calibrated use of force is likely to be more effective.

    • ISBN 978-81-8274-599-5 ,
    • Price: ₹. 695/-
    • E-copy available

    Averting the 'Lehman Momentum' in Nepal

    The health of Nepal’s banking and financial institutions has deteriorated drastically, causing panic among a section of depositors and government institutions.

    July 18, 2011

    Nepal after Three Months

    Given the reluctance of Nepal’s political parties to further extend the term of the Constituent Assembly, lack of progress in implementing the five-point deal will result in the CA becoming defunct by the end of August.

    June 17, 2011

    China’s Expanding Footprint in Nepal: Threats to India

    Nepal used to be a safe zone for India. China was least interested in Nepal till 1950s. But strategic design changed once China forcefully occupied Tibet. Nehru tried to strengthen the Indian positioning in Himalayan sphere vis-àvis China. Things became more complicated once China started intruding in Nepal. This article tries to see the emerging Chinese threats from Nepal. Since 1,751 km India-Nepal border runs through 20 districts of five Indian states. The India-Nepal border is open. China has tried through its long strategy to erase Nepalese dependency on India.

    April 2011

