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  • China’s Xinjiang Problem: The 2009 Riots and its Aftermath

    Despite focused efforts undertaken by China in the aftermath of the 2009 riots, it has not been able to and, perhaps may never be able to, answer the structural problems of the Uighur discontent in Xinjiang.

    April 20, 2012

    The Red Princelings of China

    The spotlight focused on the Bo family and its affairs has shown just how lavish the life-styles are of the ruling elite and how extensive their financial holdings and investments are both in China and abroad.

    April 20, 2012

    China’s Territorial Claim on India’s Eastern Sector: Tibet as Core

    India needs to shore up its military capabilities in Arunchal Pradesh in order to strengthen its defence posture in the eastern sector, improve governance in the state to gain the full backing of the people and adopt a flexible stance to resolve the border dispute with China.

    April 19, 2012

    Tibetan Self Immolation: A Cry in the Wilderness?

    Millions all over the world who saw the self immolation of Jamphel Yeshi could not but have failed to be moved at the gruesome sight and at the plight of the hapless Tibetans.

    April 04, 2012

    BRICS: In Search of Unity?

    While their growing economic clout has brought Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa together, translating the hand holding gestures at the end of each summit into real unity is likely to remain a daunting task.

    April 03, 2012

    China’s Defence Budget 2012: An Analysis

    China’s Defence Budget for 2012 continues to follow anticipated trend lines in keeping with its plan of carrying out Revolution in Military Affairs in a calibrated, coordinated and comprehensive manner.

    March 28, 2012

    Is China Edging Towards Political and Economic Uncertainty?

    As China heads towards leadership changes after the 18th Party Congress, there is uncertainty both as regards economic policy as well as internal dissidence.

    March 20, 2012

    Chinese Engagement with the Maldives: Impact on Security Environment in the Indian Ocean Region

    This article explores the objectives of China's engagement in the Maldives and how the current administration of the country is responding to it. The article also looks at how the Maldives has been used by major powers in the past. On the basis of these analyses, it envisages the path that Maldivian foreign policy is likely to follow in the future and its likely impact on the security environment in the Indian Ocean region.

    March 2012

    New Delhi BRICS Summit: New Prospects, But More Challenges?

    The real challenges for the New Delhi summit are issues that are linked not only with the future of BRICS but also with the conduct and approach of its members towards each other.

    March 19, 2012

    The Chinese Disaster Management Mechanism

    Geographic position, climatic features, and geological structures cause natural disasters in almost cyclical order in China. Man-made disasters such as the SARS epidemic add a new dimension to the over all woe of a nation which is home to 18.5 per cent of the world population. The paper explores the extent of the face lift achieved by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) from once being known as the “Land of Famines” and the “Land of Death”, and, in particular, the positive contribution of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) in the whole gamut of disasters.

    January 2012

