Priyankar Upadhyaya

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  • Priyankar Upadhyaya is Professor of Peace Studies and Director, Malaviya Centre for Peace Research at the Banaras Hindu University. He has served as the Adjunct/Visiting Professor at various universities in Europe and North America and has authored/co-authored several books and research articles in reputed international journals.

    Building Peace through Education and Culture: Evolving UN Perspectives

    Strategic Analysis, Volume 44, Issue 5 (2020)

    September 2020

    Peace and Conflict: Reflections on Indian Thinking

    The Indian culture and civilization embodies a unique blend of peace and conflict trajectories. This historical legacy has indubitably moulded the course of our policy and action. However, there are aspects which are queried and contested. For instance, how do we reconcile the ambiguities and opposing claims on peacefulness in Indian lineage? The paper reflects afresh on some of these lingering contestations and decodes the historical transferences in the subcontinental thinking and popular imagination.

    January 2009
