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  • Modeling Attribution of Cyber Attacks Using Bayesian Belief Networks

    The article makes an attempt to bring to the fore the various factors which are considered in the due process of attribution of a cyber-attack and the correlation of credible attribution with cyber deterrence. The focal point of the article is a three-step approach to model the decision-making process behind attribution of cyber-attacks using Bayesian Belief Networks and a case study to elucidate on the functioning of the model.

    January 2021

    Cybersecurity and Threats: Cyberterrorism and the Order Today

    The ever-growing dependence of man on cybernetworks has unbridled a modish genre of cyberthreat called cyberterrorism. The pervasive cyberspace has provided an advantageous operational frontier to the terrorists for executing cyberattacks on critical infrastructures, spreading hate propaganda over the Internet and using it for recruitment, planning and effecting terror attacks.

    April-June 2021

    Role of Internet of Things in Biological Warfare

    The weaponisation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been a new element in twenty-first century warfare where ‘biowarfare’ is no exception. Active research has been taking place on the Internet of Things (IoT) domain which finds a wide range of applications in biology. Digitalisation and artificial intelligence have a significant impact on the functioning of microbiology laboratories.

    January-June 2021

    Unprecedented Environmental Impacts of Chemical and Biological Warfare: A Critical Appraisal

    Despite the existence of several mechanisms and frameworks that regulate the use and production of CBWs, they continue to exist, and pose risk to environmental and human health. Their use in wars and conflicts in the past have inflicted severe damages on ecosystems, as evidenced by the cases of different wars. Yet these issues are seldom brought up in the narratives on chemical and biological warfare, except from a moral point of view.

    January-June 2021

    Pervasive Geopolitics, Elusive Science: The Quest for the Origins of SARS CoV-2

    The COVID-19 crisis has emerged at a time when the world has been witnessing a renewed geopolitical rivalry, and the pandemic has accentuated it. As a result, the quest for the origins of the SARS CoV-2 has remained elusive, even after a long-awaited investigation done by the WHO. Geopolitics seems to have been the final arbiter of the probe, rather than science.

    January-June 2021

    Towards an Aspirational (Ethical) Code under the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention: Engaging the Life Science Community

    It is unclear at present how the proposal by China and Pakistan for an Aspirational (Ethical) Code under the BTWC will be taken forward through to the 9th Review Conference of the Convention in 2022. However, some difficult questions will have to be addressed for this process to be successful in producing a code that can then be implemented in more detailed codes of conduct and codes of practice in national and professional settings after the Review Conference.

    January-June 2021

    The Information Technology (IT) Rules, 2021

    The IT Rules 2021 seek to address cyber security concerns of the citizens without infringing on their privacy and personal liberties, while maintaining digital sovereignty at the same time.

    June 04, 2021

    Growing Cyber Risks to Energy Infrastructure

    Cyber-related risks to the energy sector can be minimised by strategic intelligence gathering on potential threat actors, weaving of cyber security strategies into corporate decisions, industry-wide collaboration as well as up-to-date backup systems.

    May 20, 2021

    Bringing the Semi-Conductor to India

    With India’s current semiconductor demand of $40 billion expected to rise to $100 billion by 2025, the time is indeed right to begin production of semiconductors within the country.

    March 26, 2021

    Biological Weapons: Coronavirus, Weapon of Mass Destruction? by U.C. Jha and K. Ratnabali

    War, when all else fails. The reasons for war could be ideological or for greater control over finite resources but war invariably has violence at its epicentre. Ethics and wars have rarely been concentric in human history; therefore, wars have seen the employment of all possible means. Victory, as the ultimate aim, has forced warring sides to look at multiple options and biological weapons are one such method. Biological weapons are as old as war itself and their primitive recorded use was centuries ago.

    January-March 2021

