North America & Strategic Technologies

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  • Unmanned Aircraft System and Indian Industries

    While India is establishing a strong aviation ecosystem by bringing together all stakeholders including the government, DPSUs, tri-services, academia and industry partners, it is believed that private Indian industries will be the crusaders for the government in defence production, particularly in the UAV vertical.

    January 27, 2022

    Beating Retreat and Demonstration of Drone Power

    With a display of 1,000 indigenously produced swarm drones during the Beating Retreat, India would become the fourth nation to achieve such a feat, making it a front row actor with a strong foothold in the field of drone technology.

    January 25, 2022

    Quantum Technologies and Military Strategy

    • Publisher: Springer
    This book is about the strategic relevance of quantum technologies. It debates the military-specific aspects of this technology. Various chapters of this book cohere around two specific themes. The first theme discusses the global pattern of ongoing civilian and military research on quantum computers, quantum cryptography, quantum communications and quantum internet. The second theme explicitly identifies the relevance of these technologies in the military domain and the possible nature of quantum technology-based weapons. This thread further debates on quantum (arms) race at a global level in general, and in the context of the USA and China, in particular. The book argues that the defence utility of these technologies is increasingly becoming obvious and is likely to change the nature of warfare in the future.
    • ISBN: 978-3-030-72720-8 ,
    • Price: EUR 89.99

    Monday Morning Webinar on the topic “Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and Indian Industries"

    Monday Morning Meeting
    December 13, 2021
    1030 to 1300 hrs

    Leveraging Cyber Power: A Study of the Approaches and Responses of the Major Powers

    The monograph looks at how major powers have tried to pursue three objectives in cyberspace, viz. (1) strengthening or enhancing national cyber defences, and (2) striving to shape the international cyber environment by leveraging economic and technological capabilities, and (3) through defining and evangelising international cyber norms. A section on the cybersecurity preparedness of the countries of the South Asian region is incorporated to highlight those vulnerabilities and deficient capacities and capabilities that give the major powers a foothold to pursue their objectives.


    Countering the Menace of Ransomware

    US has undertaken a number of initiatives on cybersecurity, specifically ransomware, one of them being the Counter-Ransomware Initiative Meeting held in October 2021. Whether this attempt by the US to mobilise a larger group of countries to discuss ransomware will lead to real outcomes, or is just meant to endorse its actions, remains to be seen.

    October 22, 2021

    Two Decades After 9/11: The Liberal Security Community Lies in Tatters

    It may seem premature to discuss the advent of an illiberal global order, however, the numerous catalytic events of recent years and the apparent decline of American heft in shaping global norms and structures might indicate that the international system is on the cusp of a major transformation.

    October 12, 2021

    Technology and Peacekeeping: Can India become a Technology-Contributing Country

    To sustain its historical interest and influence in the UN peacekeeping operations, India should provide technical assistance to the missions while continuing to contribute troops, rather than a complete transformation from being a traditional troop contributor to a technology contributor.

    September 14, 2021

    The Dark Web and Regulatory Challenges

    The dark web has turned into a hot bed of illegal transactions, posing a threat to the cyberspace across multiple dimensions.

    July 23, 2021

