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  • Economic Sanctions and Chemical-Biological Weapons

    To secure foreign and security policy ends, several Western states and international organizations have employed economic sanctions. Sanctions have been imposed to attain a range of objectives-including checking the spread of nuclear as well as chemical and biological weapons. Sanctions are often, a multilateral effort, however certain states have operative legal provisions to impose sanctions. This article, reviews some of the significant sanction laws and initiatives launched to check development and use of chemical and biological weapons, explaining the use of sanctions to achieve the same end.

    January-June 2018

    CWC Fourth Review Conference: Key Areas of Focus

    OPCW marked the 20th anniversary of its formation on the April 29, 2017; it is indeed laudable to note the efforts of the organisation in fostering international cooperation to strengthen implementation of the Convention and promote the peaceful uses of chemistry. Presently, the civil society, academia, industry experts and state parties are discussing range of possible policy recommendations and suggestions to set an agenda for the Fourth Review Conference to be held during November 19-23, 2018 at OPCW, The Hague.

    January-June 2018

    Influencing Electoral Outcomes: The Ugly Face of Facebook

    The Cambridge Analytica episode highlights the need to expedite the process of developing a data protection framework and probably amend the IT Act in accordance with the changing realities of cyberspace.

    March 26, 2018

    Why wait for the elusive tipping point in cyber?

    The UNGGE process is the least bad option to keep open channels and maintain continued focus on securing cyberspace.

    March 21, 2018

    The Global Race for Artificial Intelligence: Weighing Benefits and Risks

    India can play an essential role in mitigating the risks and maximizing the benefits on account of rapid growth of AI enabled technologies.

    February 23, 2018

    The Crypto Heist in Japan: Regulator’s Dilemma, Consumer’s Detriment

    The dexterity with which Japan handles this case and the follow-up measures it adopts will strongly influence other countries to either liberalise the use of cryptocurrencies or strictly forbid them in the interest of consumers, law enforcement and national security.

    February 13, 2018

    Artificial Intelligence in Military Operations: Technology, Ethics and the Indian Perspective

    Artificial Intelligence in Military Operations: Technology, Ethics and the Indian Perspective

    After decades of false starts, AI/ Robotics technologies today appear to be at an inflection point, making rapid advancements which are considered significant enough to usher in a new revolution in military affairs

    January 31, 2018

    Agni 5 Tested: What Next?

    Agni 5 Tested: What Next?

    Weapon development programs are successful when technological innovations are matched with national strategic goals. Further development of the Agni-5 should be based on the objectives of adding to the overall combat potential and augmenting deterrence.

    January 25, 2018

    Two standoffs and some nuclear lessons

    standoffs in Doklam and North Korea

    The standoffs in Doklam and North Korea offer insights on how crisis stability remains subject to the complexities of deterrence, especially in theatres with multiple nuclear-armed states, and what this entails for disarmament.

    December 29, 2017

    Islamic State's tryst with chemical weapons in Syria and Iraq

    The Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (ISIS) Jihadist group's indiscriminate use of chemical weapons or agents against civilan and military targets in the last few years violates every international and humanitarian laws. It has not only used the weapons in its violent campaigns, but has attempted to build full-fledged chemical arsenal within its controlled territories which makes it virtually the first non-state actor pursue chemical weapon for military purposes.

    July-December 2017

