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  • Trump’s Own “Star Wars” The 2019 US BMD Review and What It Augurs for India?

    The Trump administration’s BMDR, released in early 2019, can be described as the most proactive BMD plan since the SDI days with fillip given to areas like directed-energy, addressing gaps in boost-phase interception and harnessing the space frontier. Besides analyzing the BMDR threadbare, this Volume uses a hitherto unexplored cache of documents to reconstruct the anatomy of the India-US BMD dialogue so to ascertain why it failed and what the BMDR augurs for India’s BMD future.

    Analysing China’s Digital and Space Belt and Road Initiative

    The recently held second Belt and Road forum in April 2019 based on the theme “Shaping a Brighter Shared Future" gained considerable momentum in the world community. BRI has been an ever evolving concept that has changed considerably since its inception in 2013. It has generated a blend of optimism and consternation around the world.

    The Road to 5G: Technology, Politics And Beyond

    Monograph No. 65

    This monograph examines the key technologies behind 5G, the requirements of infrastructure and spectrum, and the emerging landscape with the rise of Chinese telecommunication equipment manufactures. It delves into China’s rise as a key technology provider in the telecommunications sector, and a prime contributor to standards development.


    ‘No First Use’ is Not Sacrosanct: Need a Theatre-Specific Posture for Flexible Options

    Nuclear doctrines and postures are dynamic processes that evolve with the security environment. Twenty years after India’s nuclear doctrine was first drafted, the time is ripe for a comprehensive review and suitable revisions.

    August 27, 2019

    Libra - A Millennial Global Currency from Facebook

    Facebook's recent proposal for a stable global cryptocurrency on social media platform has led many to anticipate its positive impact on the global economic system. However, privacy concerns and Libra's planned decentralised approach have raised apprehensions among the regulators around the world.

    July 29, 2019

    WhatsApp: One Call away from being a spyware

    The WhatsApp bug brings to light the same old dilemma between safeguarding individual privacy and enabling the state to undertake surveillance in the interest of security.

    June 03, 2019

    Biological Weapons: The Impact of New Technologies

    Bioweapons have often remained a less debated subject in global dialogue as compared to other weapons of mass destruction. However, the recent development in technologies have lowered the barriers of designing new bioweapons and resurrected the threat of biowarfare. This has culminated in increasing recognition of such weapons in the global intelligence community and a review of existing regulations to ensure one remains updated to tackle with the renewed biological weapons threat. India is also vulnerable to biological attacks given the poor primary healthcare network, conducive environment and conflicting relations with neighbouring countries.

    January-June 2019

    Agro-Warfare: Attack on Crops and Livestock

    One of the chief consequences of the world wars was the development of better and sophisticated weapon systems. It signified a transition from traditional to non-conventional means of warfare that included biological weapons (BW). These weapons are varied kinds and can also constitute the development of anti-crop agent which can trigger a famine across the country and the intentional outbreak of animal diseases to target the livestock of the nation. These attacks have a long term effect on the economy and health of the population. With weapons aiming to destroy the long term sustainability of a country, the need to enhance the security mechanisms, to mitigate their use becomes inevitable.

    January-June 2019

    United States Bio-surveillance Project in South Korea: A conflict between Traditional and Non-Traditional Security

    The Bio-surveillance project of United States in South Korea in facing a serious criticism as it is believed to be a threat to the safety and survival of the local population of South Korea. While both the United States as well as South Korea deny the allegations, and they fail to provide complete information on the issue in the name of so-called ‘national security issue’. The article brings out the contradiction between traditional and non-traditional security approach by putting United States Bio-surveillance Project in South Korea as a case in point.

    January-June 2019

    Time to Bolster Global Biological and Chemical Defense Capabilities

    Recent biological and chemical trends highlights a growing concern regarding an evident indifference with respect to the support of the long standing institution CWC and BWC. This can be attributed to three causes the lowering of thresholds for developing BW and using CW, the demonstrated international lack of will to support these key international institutions, and a questionable ability to deal with the types of mass casualty scenarios as a result of biological or chemical attack.

    January-June 2019

