Maritime Security

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  • Games Navies Play: Anti-Access and Area Denial in Maritime Asia

    Anti-Access and Area Denial in Maritime Asia

    A sound sensor array in the Indian Ocean could prove invaluable for India which has a major anti-submarine warfare handicap and a lack of operational submarines.

    June 16, 2016

    India’s Submarine Modernisation Plans

    India’s Submarine Modernisation Plans

    India’s future submarine fleet operations are likely to involve SSKs and SSNs operating in the littoral spaces, in a strategic environment sanitized and protected by SSBNs. If New Delhi can ensure compliance with present construction deadlines, it could put its submarine modernization plans back on track.

    May 05, 2016

    Time to Revitalise and Expand the Trilateral Maritime Security Cooperation between India, Sri Lanka and Maldives

    Time to Revitalise and Expand the Trilateral Maritime Security Cooperation between India, Sri Lanka and Maldives

    Maritime security challenges in the Indian Ocean Region continue to be an issue of concern and this effective regional mechanism needs to be strengthened to deal effectively with them.

    March 22, 2016

    The Escalating South China Sea Dispute - Lessons for India

    The Escalating South China Sea Dispute - Lessons for India

    For Indian observers, it is useful to extrapolate known Chinese position in the Indian Ocean Region and assess Beijing’s likely strategic behaviour. Indian policymakers might well recognise the fact that once China finds itself in a position of maritime advantage, diplomatic engagement has limited utility as a bargaining tactic.

    March 01, 2016

    Port de Djibouti: China’s First Permanent Naval Base in the Indian Ocean

    Port de Djibouti: China’s First Permanent Naval Base in the Indian Ocean

    Hitherto, the India-China border dispute was largely a land-air contingency. Now, the PLA Navy’s presence in the IOR adds the third dimension and needs to be factored in future planning and preparations.

    February 22, 2016

    India’s New Maritime Security Strategy: ‘Brand-building’ in an Era of ‘Geopolitical Discord’

    The inability to portray greater strategic ambition for the Indian Navy renders this document an exercise in smart profile-building rather than one of purposeful image-projection.

    December 21, 2015

    India’s Approach to Asia: Strategy, Geopolitics and Responsibility

    • Publisher: Pentagon Press

    This book offers wide ranging divergent perspectives on India's role in managing and shaping Asian Security. The book offers important ideas on how Asian security will shape up in the future by utilizing the method of scenarios. It is an important contribution to the field of Asian and regional security and India's role in it.

    • ISBN 978-81-8274-870-5
    • E-copy available

    Reenergising India-Africa Maritime Relations

    Reenergising India-Africa Maritime Relations

    Africa needs not only maritime administration frameworks and the local capacity to enforce regulations, but also a model for sustainable blue-economy development that does not result in the destruction of its natural maritime habitat. In this, it can use India’s assistance.

    October 28, 2015

    Malabar-2015 and Power Dynamics in the Asian Commons

    Malabar-2015 and Power Dynamics in the Asian Commons

    As India reorients its maritime posture to cater to the new realities of Asia, there is a realisation that regional maritime stability is increasingly susceptible to growing power imbalances.

    October 23, 2015

    An Indian Maritime Strategy for an Era of Geopolitical Uncertainty

    The fractious nature of maritime relations in the Asia-Pacific region is a recognisable feature of international geopolitics today. Following China’s massive reclamation and ‘island-building’ project in the South China Sea recently, many Pacific states have moved to bolster their maritime postures. While Japan has sought legislative amendments to liberate its maritime posture from post-war passivism, Vietnam and the Philippines have been building stronger navies aimed at countering China’s hostile moves in the South China Sea.

    October 2015

