Military Affairs

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  • The Corporatisation of Ukraine War: A Case of Unfolding Asymmetry in Military Power

    The power of crowdsourcing budgetary support, technology, training, and logistic wherewithal, while at war, has emerged as an important lesson in the Ukraine war.

    March 22, 2023

    Canada, South Korea and the Indo-Pacific

    Canada and the Republic of Korea’s Indo-Pacific strategies signal a major transformation in their respective foreign policy outlook.

    February 08, 2023

    India's Military Strategy: Countering Pakistan's Challenge

    • Publisher: Bloomsbury
    This book explores what military strategy is and how it is interconnected with policy on one hand and military operations on the other. In the process, it traces the transformation of the notion of strategy from its original military moorings to a more policy-oriented and-influenced conception and elaborates upon a tripartite framework of policy, strategy and doctrine to think about, understand, and analyse the use of force. The book explores the politics of India-Pakistan conflict in order to root the study of Indian military strategy in the political sphere. It discusses three main issues that have ensured the persistence of conflict: incompatible national identities, Pakistan's congenital quest for parity with and compulsion to challenge India, and irreconcilable positions on the Kashmir issue. The book argues that India has invariably pursued limited political aims that did not threaten Pakistan's survival or form of government or regime in power albeit containing a counter offensive elements. It states that India employed the strategy of exhaustion during the Indian Army's campaigns in the 1947-48 conflict and 1965 war, which made way to strategy of annihilation during the 1971 war (East Pakistan), but after Pakistan's acquisition of nuclear weapons capability the strategy is back to exhaustion. The book highlights the importance of designing an overall military strategy for waging limited war and pursuing carefully calibrated political and military objectives by creatively combining the individual doctrines of the three services by establishing a Chief of Defence Staff system.
    • ISBN: 9789356400023 ,
    • Price: ₹ 1299/-

    ADMM-Plus and India’s Act East Policy

    The ADMM-Plus offers India and ASEAN opportunities to develop practical collaboration on security issues ranging from terrorism, maritime threats and other non-traditional threats.

    December 16, 2022

    No Money for Terror: Challenges and Way Ahead

    International cooperation is the key to curbing the menace of terrorism finance more effectively.

    December 09, 2022

    Israel–Lebanon Maritime Boundary Agreement: An Assessment

    The Lebanon–Israel maritime boundary agreement promotes the rule of international law and regional economic cooperation.

    November 11, 2022

    1971 India-Pakistan War: 50 Years Later

    • Publisher: Pentagon Press
    India’s decisive and historic victory in the 1971 India–Pakistan War is considered to be one of the landmark geopolitical events in the history of the sub-continent. One of the shortest wars in world history, fought for a mere 13 days, the lightning campaign brought about a change in the world’s perception of India, marking its recognition as an important regional power.

    The combined impact created by the resolute people of Bangladesh and the professional approach of the Indian state, successfully converted a catastrophe of epic proportions into a victory of the people, won through their stoic resolve and the professionalism of the armed forces.

    There have been a number of books, memoirs and articles over the years that have documented first-person and academic accounts of events that marked this period of history. Not surprisingly, most were written during the period succeeding the war and after the birth of Bangladesh. This book is an attempt to evaluate events with the benefit of a five-decade time lapse. In doing so, the focus remains firmly on the military aspects of the war, accompanied by a brief account of political events, diplomacy, influence of major powers, public perception and the role of Mukti Bahini.

    • ISBN:9789390095698 ,
    • Price: ₹ 1495
    • E-copy available

    Monday Morning Meeting on "US National Defence Strategy: Key Highlights”

    Monday Morning Meeting
    November 07, 2022
    1000 hrs

    One Year of AUKUS: An Assessment of Progress and Challenges

    AUKUS illustrates the growing strategic depth between the US and Australia, the UK’s return to ‘East of Suez’ and Australia’s attempts to revolutionise its defence industrial base.

    November 02, 2022

