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  • To Stop Iran Getting the Bomb, Must We Learn to Live with Its Nuclear Capability?

    The latest report of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Iran's alleged nuclear weapons programme, released on November 8, 2011, has effectively raised the global threat level. The agency faced the daunting challenge of making a judgement on how far Iran's nuclear programme has advanced and its potential for weaponisation on the basis of suggestive but dated, inconclusive and possibly fake evidence (hundreds of pages of evidence have been sourced to one laptop of unproven provenance given to the IAEA by a Western intelligence agency).

    March 2012

    Iran in the Israeli Calculus

    Israel is likely to calculate that it would better to wait and use diplomacy to push the major global and regional powers towards some kind of a joint venture against the much feared nuclear designs of Iran.

    March 13, 2012

    Tougher US Sanctions against Iran: Global Reactions and Implications

    US President Barak Obama recently signed a tougher sanctions law against Iran in a continuing bid to coerce Tehran into abandoning its nuclear programme. This Backgrounder discusses the reactions of the emerging powers to the new sanctions and their implications.

    February 28, 2012

    India and West Asian Political Tensions

    There is a real danger that India’s strategic space in West Asia could be further constricted due to the rising political tensions on account of the Iranian nuclear imbroglio.

    February 16, 2012

    Sectarian Strife Looms In The Middle-East

    By bringing the Syrian question to the UN Security Council on the basis of proposals formulated by the Arab League, led principally by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the western powers ran the risk of not only facing a combined Russia-China veto but of inflaming sectarian opinion.

    February 11, 2012

    Going Beyond the Public Statement on Iranian Oil

    Having rejected the western demand for oil sanctions, the real test for the Indian government lies in whether it can implement its public pronouncement.

    February 09, 2012

    Velayat-e-Faqih (Supreme Leader) and Iranian Foreign Policy: An Historical Analysis

    There has been an increasing assertion of the velayat-e-faqih in Iranian politics in recent years. This has led to tensions between them and the presidential office in Iran. Against this backdrop, this article seeks to analyse the constitutional position of the velayat-e-faqih and how it has interacted with other institutions to shape Iranian foreign policy. The article critically analyses the relationship between the velayat-e-faqih and different popularly elected presidents.

    January 2012

    The Arab Spring: A Year Later

    The Arab countries where people have successfully overthrown the dictatorial regimes now face the daunting task of moving forward with democratic processes, economic development and institution building.

    December 23, 2011

    IAEA Report on Iran: Storm before the Lull

    Despite reports of deliberations of war in anticipation of and later publication of the latest IAEA report on Iran’s nuclear programme, the November 18 IAEA resolution has desisted from referring the issue to the UNSC. New set of unilateral sanctions on its oil sector by US, Britain, and Canada announced on November 21 though have further increased the economic stakes for Iran.

    November 25, 2011

    The Domestic Determinants of Iranian Foreign Policy: Challenges to Consensus

    The foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is widely misunderstood. On the one hand many experts regard the Iranian foreign policy as being essentially ideology driven while on the other hand a significant body of opinion believes that ideology is a convenient smokescreen for Iran's pursuit of its national interests. This paper examines the role of ideological, political and institutional actors in the context of the Islamic Republic's quest for consensus and cohesion.

    July 2011

