Vinay Kaushal

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  • Analysis Based Forecast of Revised Estimates of Defence Budget 2015-16: Who Bails Out Whom?

    Analysis Based Forecast of Revised Estimates of Defence Budget 2015-16: Who Bails Out Whom?

    Sustaining and building defence capabilty is a continuous process. It requires both adequate budget allocations and full, efficient and judicous utilisation of the allocated budget. This does not appear to have happened in the immediate past and the trend appears to continue in the current year.

    February 23, 2016

    Defence Budget 2015 -16: The Writing on the Wall

    Defence Budget 2015 -16: The Writing on the Wall

    It is a fairly simple exercise to estimate what the defence budget will be given available indicators. My assessment is that the Budget Estimate for defence is likely to be around Rs. 250,000 crore, with 105,000 crore for Capital Expenditure and 145,000 Crore for Revenue Expenditure.

    February 27, 2015

    The Imperative of Public Private Partnership in the Defence Aviation Industry

    The Imperative of Public Private Partnership in the Defence Aviation Industry

    It is necessary to evolve a long term strategy keeping in mind all the aircraft acquisition programmes, review the factors that contribute to determining the right numbers and begin the process of building a long term partnership with the private industry.

    December 03, 2014

    Defence Budget 2015-16: The Bad, the Worse and the Good

    Defence Budget 2015-16: The Bad, the Worse and the Good

    The bad news in this year’s defence budget is that it does not recognise that things are not going in the right direction but only the beaten track. And the poor track record in fully utilising the resources allocated for ‘Modernisation’ is the worse news.

    March 02, 2015

    Defence Acquisition: International Best Practices

    Defence Acquisition: International Best Practices
    • Publisher: Pentagon Press

    This book is a compendium of papers presented and circulated in the International Seminar on Defence acquisition organised by the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses on July 12-14, 2011. Written by the practitioners, industry leaders and subject experts, the book brings out the best international practices in defence acquisition.

    • ISBN ISBN 978-81-8274-711-1,
    • Price: ₹. 1295/-
    • E-copy available

