South Asia

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  • Vishal Chandra

    Research Fellow

    Anand Kumar

    Associate Fellow

    Priyanka Singh

    Associate Fellow

    Gulbin Sultana

    Associate Fellow

    Ashish Shukla

    Associate Fellow

    Nazir Ahmad Mir

    Research Assistant

    Afroz Khan

    Research Assistant

    Sneha M

    Research Analyst

    Is Pakistan a Good Choice for Renewal of GSP+ Status?

    Given the violations of international conventions linked with the European Union’s GSP scheme, Pakistan’s GSP+ status must not be renewed.

    June 07, 2023

    Bhutanese Refugee Scam in Nepal: A Deep-rooted Systemic Corruption

    The involvement of high-ranking politicians in the Bhutanese refugee scam shows a well-established corruption network.

    June 06, 2023

