South Asia

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  • India–Bangladesh Relations: An Indian Perspective

    The people of India and Bangladesh share close and multi-faceted socio-cultural, religious and linguistic ties spanning centuries. The two countries share the same values of secularism, pluralism and democracy, and the distinct honour of having their national anthem written by the same person—Kabiguru Rabindranath Tagore. Bangladesh Jatiyo Kabi Nazrul, Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay, Lalon Fakir, etc., are revered on both sides of the border. Their influence transcends political boundaries and inspires people in both countries.

    September 2018

    Explaining Public Policy Choices: A Case Study of the First Nuclear Power Plant in Bangladesh

    This article employs the 3-i framework to explore the institutions, ideas, and interests that have shaped the Bangladesh government’s policy choices for implementing the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant, the first such plant in the country. The logic behind three choices—vendor country, reactor model, and spent fuel management—are analysed.

    September 2018

    Another Capitulation and another Win for the TLYP in Pakistan

    The challenge that the TLYP poses to Pakistan’s internal stability is even more dangerous than the threat of terrorism.

    November 22, 2018

    Bhutan National Assembly Elections 2018: A Mandate for Change?

    Voters in Bhutan have shown their political maturity by bringing in a new government, which is an indicator of growing awareness about their rights and their role in holding governments to account.

    November 12, 2018

    Pakistan-Saudi Arabia Relations – the drivers and challenges

    While Pakistan clearly seeks to maintain cordial relations with Iran, it is unlikely that it would be willing to incur the displeasure of Saudi Arabia with which it has greater economic and strategic links.

    October 24, 2018

    Nepal-China Transit Agreement: An Evaluation

    Nepal’s quest for an alternate transit country with a view to reducing its dependence on India succeeded with the finalisation of the text for the Protocol of Transit Transport Agreement with China on September 7, 2018.

    September 27, 2018

    China Looks to Africa to Reduce Trade Dependence on the US

    China may or may not succeed in transforming Africa into a substitute market. If it does, the bilateral trade relationship is likely to become more unbalanced and tilted in its own favour leading to greater exploitation of Africa.

    September 18, 2018

    The 2018 Maldivian Presidential Elections: Two-horse Race between Development and Reforms

    The forthcoming presidential election is a contest between Yameen’s pledge to bring about a transformational change with mega-projects and Solih’s pledge to end presidential tyranny, injustice and corruption

    September 17, 2018

    Pashtun Nationalism in Search of Political Space and the State in Pakistan

    Pakistan is undergoing political turmoil once again. Once again an elected prime minister was first removed in July 2017, and then barred from fighting elections for life on April 13, 2018.

    July 2018

