Rajorshi Roy

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  • Dr Rajorshi Roy is Associate Fellow at the Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi. Click here for detailed profile [+].

    Are Russia and NATO inching towards a conflict?

    The Joint Communique issued by the recent NATO summit, held on July 8-9 in Warsaw, appears to have sown the seeds of a renewed confrontation with Russia.

    August 08, 2016

    Searching for a common ground in Russia-Japan relations

    July 23, 2016

    Research Assistant, IDSA, Mr Rajorshi Roy’s commentary on Russia-Japan relations, titled ‘Searching for a common ground in Russia-Japan relations’ was published in Russia Direct on July 23, 2016.

    Rumblings in Kazakhstan: A Warning for Central Asia?

    June 23, 2016

    The June 5 mass shooting in the Kazakh city of Aktobe highlights emerging fault-lines in the Eurasian heartland. In one of the most violent incidents in the country’s history, clashes between armed attackers and security services left 19 dead — 13 attackers, three civilians, and three servicemen.

    Fallout of Turkey’s Shooting Down of the Russian Aircraft

    Turkey’s unprecedented military action raises two questions: What is the likely impact on its ties with Russia? And, what are the dynamics of a ‘Russia-West’ collaboration over Syria?

    December 22, 2015

    John Kerry’s visit to Sochi: The new dynamics of Russia-U.S. engagement

    John Kerry’s visit to Sochi: The new dynamics of Russia-U.S. engagement

    The new contours of a Russia-U.S. engagement appear to be shaping up. There is a growing realization in the U.S. that treating Russia as an adversary can be counter-productive.

    June 11, 2015

    Russia’s New Military Doctrine: An Overview

    Russia’s New Military Doctrine: An Overview

    The new military doctrine reflects Russia’s views on the changing geo-political order. It perceives key military risks as emanating primarily from the ‘West’ and dwells on measures to counter them.

    April 16, 2015

    Ceasefire in Ukraine: An Assessment

    Ceasefire in Ukraine: An Assessment

    While the ceasefire is a much needed respite yet it does raise two questions: What made the key players arrive at such agreements? Can these deals facilitate the initiation of a political dialogue in Ukraine?

    October 10, 2014

    Russia’s Military Cooperation Agreement with Pakistan: An Assessment

    Russia’s Military Cooperation Agreement with Pakistan: An Assessment

    The military cooperation agreement between Russia and Pakistan raises two pertinent questions: What are the driving factors behind Russia’s Pakistan strategy? And should India be concerned?

    December 15, 2014

    Russia and the unravelling of economic sanctions

    The recent additional economic sanction on Russia is yet another severe jolt. But faced with a gripping economic problem, sanctions can just be the incentive that Russia needs to implement structural reforms and reduce its dependency on the West. The emergence of anti-West and patriotic sentiments can help the Kremlin to push through difficult initiatives.

    May 30, 2014

    Geneva agreement on Ukraine: Can it defuse tensions?

    While the ‘compromise’, as put forth by Russia is a welcome development in so far it helps to diffuse the potential confrontation yet it does raise two pertinent questions: What made the key players arrive at such an agreement? And can this deal be implemented?

    April 24, 2014

