Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC)

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  • Perspective on Implications of the Advances in Life Sciences and Technologies Related to BTWC

    The document is collation of the information available from the 7th Review Conference of BWC held at the UN Office in Geneva from 5 to 22 December 2011. The Final Declaration at the Conference reaffirmed its conviction about the essentiality of the provisions of the obligations for international peace and security and to meet the goal of complete disarmament under strict and effective international control including the prohibition and elimination of all weapons of mass destruction repugnant to the safety of humankind.

    An Overview of the Advances Made in Biotechnology and Related BTWC Concerns

    BTWC is apprehensive of development of dual-use technologies in the areas of genetic engineering, biotechnology and microbiology, for high growth of products and processes that are capable of being used for purposes inconsistent with its objectives and provisions. These include all microbial and other biological agents or toxins, naturally or artificially created or altered, irrespective of their origin or method of production.

    July-December 2011

    Issues Before the 7th Biological Weapons Review Conference

    Given its record and its efforts to promote bio-security and bio-safety, India should adopt a proactive role in strengthening the BTWC further.

    August 30, 2011

    Overview of National Implementation Measures for Use of Microorganisms - BTWC Concerns

    It is well recognized that modern technologies have dual use applications both for peaceful purposes as well as hostile use. Modern biology and bio-technology offer novel ways of manipulating basic life processes. Purposefully or unintentionally, genetic modification of microorganisms could be used to create organisms that are more virulent, are antibioticresistant, or have greater stability in the environment.

    July-September 2009

    The Emerging Biological Weapons Threat and Proliferation

    Biological weapons attack entails a pandemic and the health infrastructure and personnel could get overwhelmed by the demands on their services.

    January-March 2009

    Building a BTWC Education Module for Life Scientists

    The design of the online module on “The Dual-Use Dilemma in Biological Research” life scientists would constitute an introductory case study and five major elements.

    January - March 2008

    Verification and the BTWC

    In the post Cold War world, the term Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) emerged as a usable tool. This usage reached a crescendo with the 2002 Iraq disarmament crisis and the alleged existence of WMD in Iraq, which became the primary justification for the 2003 invasion of that country. The fear of WMD proliferation has generated grave concerns, given the increasing number and greater intensity of terrorist activities and their attempts to acquire WMD. Efforts to restrain the development and further spread of WMD have received greater focus in this environment of insecurity.

    August 01, 2006

