P. Stobdan

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  • Ambassador P. Stobdan was Senior Fellow at Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi. Click here for detail profile.

    Genghis Khan and India-Mongolia Relations

    Genghis Khan and India-Mongolia Relations

    It would be befitting to dedicate the 60th Anniversary of Indo-Mongolian Diplomatic Relations this year to the great Asian hero Genghis Khan.

    July 11, 2016

    India Has More Hoops to Jump for SCO Membership

    June 23, 2016

    Senior Fellow, IDSA, Ambassador P Stobdan’s article on India’s SCO membership, titled ‘India Has More Hoops to Jump for SCO Membership’, was published in ‘The Wire’ on June 22, 2016.

    India’s Stakes in SCO

    India cannot be taking other than a cooperative position if it wants to genuinely exploit opportunities that SCO processes may offer. Any policy on connectivity underpinned by a spirit of rivalry will make India an odd one out.

    June 15, 2016

    The Dalai Lama and Tibet’s Future

    In an ominous way the Dalai Lama recently threatened to terminate the over 400-year-old spiritual lineage of his position, saying that Tibetans no longer require the authority of the Dalai Lama and it would be a shame if a ‘weak’ person succeeded him.

    In 2011, he also gave up his political authority in favour of an elected leader among Tibetans living in exile. Seemingly, the motive for these measures was to forestall any alternative plan by Beijing to appoint a successor after him and challenge the authority of such an appointment if Beijing does so.

    July 2016

    The SCO: India enters Eurasia

    The SCO: India enters Eurasia

    India’s objective lies not in offsetting the interests of either the US or China but to walk towards its own destiny of serving humanity and global peace.

    June 14, 2016

    Emerging Flashpoints in the Himalayas

    Emerging Flashpoints in the Himalayas

    It is time to bring together the interests of the Indian and Chinese governments toward seeking the common goal of saving the Himalayas and the people living in the region.

    May 18, 2016

    Asia’s Buddhist Connectivity and India’s Role

    Asia’s Buddhist Connectivity and India’s Role

    India needs to start thinking about seeking a greater transformation in China from authoritarianism to embrace the culture of Buddhism and the impact such a change may entail for enduring relations between India and China.

    February 19, 2016

    India and Central Asia: Untying the Energy Knot

    India was always aware of the enormous energy reserves within its geographically proximate Central Asian region that could potentially fulfil its energy demands. The recent visit by Prime Minister Modi to the region has proved critical in paving the way for India to finally acquire a long awaited energy stake in the region. The new developments could not have been possible without the evolving undercurrents of the new geopolitical balance of power in the region. Russia seems to be playing a conspicuous role in nudging both India and Pakistan towards cooperation in the energy pipeline.

    January 2016

    What to Expect from Modi’s Moscow Visit

    What to Expect from Modi’s Moscow Visit

    Modi and Putin are all set not only to straighten the loose ends of existing projects but also bring new big items on the table.

    December 23, 2015

    Indian PM Arrives in Moscow Today - What to Expect

    December 23, 2015

    Senior Fellow, IDSA, Ambassador P Stobdan’s article on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Russia, titled ‘Indian PM Arrives in Moscow Today - What to Expect’ was published in Russia Insider on December 23, 2015.

