Islamic Terrorism

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  • Turkey, IS, US, Syria

    Turkey, IS, US, Syria

    There is a sudden and dramatic change in Turkey’s policy towards the Islamic State. What explains this change and what might be Turkey’s calculations?

    August 14, 2015

    Arab Spring or Islamic State – The Case of Tunisia

    Arab Spring or Islamic State – The Case of Tunisia

    The recent attack on the Bardo museum and killing of foreign tourists has demonstrated that the challenge from the hardline Islamists remains.

    March 31, 2015

    Why has the Iraqi Offensive against ISIS Stalled?

    Why has the Iraqi Offensive against ISIS Stalled?

    US authorities seem to be unusually reluctant to use air power to help the Iraqi authorities and their Iranian allies in the conduct of the Tikrit offensive. Why?

    March 24, 2015

    ISIS in Central Asia

    ISIS in Central Asia

    There is no single factor cited for motivating Central Asians to join ISIS ranks. However, the search for employment and earnings remain the main driver. More than 4 million migrants (Uzbeks, Tajiks and Kyrgyz) engaged in low-paid jobs in Russia are vulnerable to the jihadi network.

    October 22, 2014

    Need to build a good coalition to combat ISIS

    Need to build a good coalition to combat ISIS

    There is a great traction amongst western countries on building up a coalition to tackle ISIS, but the big question is which countries in West Asia would be able to synchronise western goals with theirs? While the US and its NATO allies, along with France and Australia have been assisting the Kurdish peshmerga, the list of Arab countries willing to work with the West-led coalition is unclear.

    September 09, 2014

    Turkey: ‘Sick Man’ of NATO

    Turkey: ‘Sick Man’ of NATO

    In the West, there is growing realisation that only boots on the ground can defeat or substantially destroy the Daesh. Unless a ground force capable of taking back the territories seized by the Daesh arrives on the scene, the advantage will lie with the jihadis.

    October 17, 2014

    Can ISIS be degraded and destroyed?

    Can ISIS be degraded and destroyed?

    With the US determined not to commit troops, the military defeat of ISIS, at present, is therefore neither feasible nor imminent. Neither the so-called retrained Iraqi Army, nor US air power against this powerful and motivated force will be sufficient.

    October 17, 2014

    ISIS on backfoot: Coalition gets al-Baghdadi

    ISIS on backfoot: Coalition gets al-Baghdadi

    Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s death will be a serious setback to Daesh as it is different from Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups that did not proclaim a ‘caliphate’. As the history of Islam shows, the proclamation of a new ‘caliph’ can be problematic.

    November 11, 2014

    Islamic State and Social Media: Ethical Challenges and Power Relations

    Islamic State and Social Media: Ethical Challenges and Power Relations

    The IS frequently releases graphic videos of, for instance, beheadings, on social media. Once these videos surface, an ethical debate arises about the sharing of violent imagery and how these social platforms should deal with the situation.

    January 23, 2015

    Islamic State not invincible: Need to take Russia, China on board

    Islamic State not invincible: Need to take Russia, China on board

    China, like Russia, suffers from domestic terrorism (the Uyghur East Turkestan Islamic Movement). Daesh leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has put China on a list of countries accused of persecuting Muslims, thus making it a target for jihad.

    September 15, 2014

