The Emerging Nuclear Security Regime: Challenges Ahead

  • Rajiv Nayan
    Dr Rajiv Nayan is Senior Research Associate at Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA), New Delhi. He has been working with the Institute since 1993, where he… Continue reading The Emerging Nuclear Security Regime: Challenges Ahead read more

    everal measures are being initiated by the international community to secure sensitive materials. Al Qaeda’s open interest in acquiring nuclear weapons and the rise of terrorist activity in nuclear-armed Pakistan have triggered a global interest in the need to secure nuclear weapons and materials. In April 2010 President Obama invited some key countries and international organisations in Washington to frame a new regime for nuclear security. The emerging regime includes some older initiatives as well as some new mechanisms, and it must address a number of issues. These range from defining nuclear security threats to finding the right kind of institution promoting nuclear security. The enthusiasm for the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit will depend on how the participating countries and the international community deal with these challenges.

    Posted On: January 1, 2012

    Keywords: Nuclear