The South Asia-East Asia Linkage Process: The Perspective of President Joe Biden’s Administration

Issue: 3
Strategic Essay

From the early 21st century, East Asia has emerged as a strongly developing region with large economies such as Japan, Korea and China. East Asia experienced the ‘Asian economic miracle’ of rapid growth, a shift into manufacturing for export and rising living standards.Footnote1 Meanwhile, South Asia is the region ostensibly with the weakest external connections. Since the 1990s, India has made important adjustments in its foreign policy. India had shifted from the ‘Look East Policy’ to the ‘Act East Policy’, and has been expanding cooperation with other Asian countries. India’s growth increased steadily, averaging 7 per cent over the past decade—making her one of the fastest growing countries in the world and helping lift about 200 million people out of poverty.Footnote2 Therefore, the connection between South Asia and East Asia will create opportunities for development cooperation between the two regions.

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