Space Sustainability: Consent to Security Insurance

Issue: 5

On 6 June 2012 the European Union (EU) launched a multilateral diplomatic process to discuss and negotiate an International Code of Conduct (CoC) for outer space. This CoC is designed as a complementary mechanism for the existing framework and for ensuring the security, safety and sustainability of all outer space activities. Space sustainability is about ensuring that outer space is used for the advancement of society and providing society with the various benefits of space technologies. Normally, space sustainability could be defined as ‘the ability of all humanity to continue to use outer space for peaceful purposes and socio economic benefit over the long term’.

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Posted On: September 1, 2012

Keywords: Space Security

  • Ajey Lele

    Ajey Lele

    Deputy Director General

    Ajey Lele

    Ajey Lele

    Deputy Director General