India’s PKOs: A Historic Perspective and the Way Forward

Issue: 6

As a founding member, India has been a firm supporter of the principles and purposes of the United Nations. Enshrined as its central aim, the UN Charter states that the United Nations: ‘maintains international peace and security and to that end, takes corrective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to peace, and the suppression of acts of aggression.’ 1 Towards supporting and furthering world peace, India has participated in some of the world’s most difficult peacekeeping missions over 61 years. Over 1,55,000 Indian troops have donned the Blue Beret in 43 of the 61 UN missions conducted so far. But these have not been without the sacrifice of 140 Indian Blue Berets, the highest number amongst troop contributing countries. Today, 8,504 personnel serve in UN missions, the third largest troop contribution after Pakistan and Bangladesh.

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Posted On: November 1, 2011