Indian Naval Strategy in the Twenty First Century by James R. Holmes, Andrew Winner and Toshi Yoshihara

Issue: 3
Book Review

The 44th book in the Cass Series on Naval Policy and History, this book is an academic study of India’s emerging maritime strategy from a Western perspective. Not surprisingly, therefore, it attempts to offer a systematic analysis of the shadow play between Western military thought and Indian maritime traditions. After the success of the Chinese Grand Strategy and Maritime Power (Book 16 in the Cass Series) and Chinese Naval Strategy in the 21st Century (Book 40 in the Cass Series), this study by Western authors comes at a time when India is also coming of age and making a mark in the modern era. This in-depth study of the Indian navy also emphasises the importance accorded to India as a responsible maritime power by the western hemisphere.

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Posted On: May 1, 2012

Keywords: Indian Navy