Balochistan: Continuing Violence and Its Implications

Issue: 1

State-building efforts in Pakistan have been increasingly come under challenge from ethno-national movements. The current spate of insurgency in Balochistan is a product of repressive policies coupled with historical grievances that have led to increased alienation amongst the Baloch and a general perception that they are being exploited. The continuing violence has the potential to destabilise not only Pakistan but the entire region. Stability and peace in Balochistan is not only crucial For Pakistan but to India as well since it is a critical area through which both the Iran-Pakistan-India as well as the Central Asian energy pipelines will traverse in the future. India needs to carefully monitor the trajectory of the Baloch movement and be prepared for events that may impinge on its policies towards energy flows.

Posted On: January 1, 2006

Keywords: Balochistan, Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) Gas Pipeline, Pakistan