Riot control agents (RCAs), which are commonly known as tear gas and pepper spray, are defined by the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) as “any chemical not listed” in one of three schedules of toxic chemicals that can produce “rapidly in humans sensory irritation or disabling physical effects which disappear within a short time following termination of exposure.”1, they can be employed for “law enforcement including domestic riot control purposes”2 , provided they are used in “types and quantities” consistent with such purposes.3
When employed in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions and in line with international human rights law and standards, RCAs can provide an important alternative to other applications of force more likely to result in injury or death, such as firearms. Law enforcement officials throughout the world regularly use them to disperse violent crowds or to subdue dangerous individuals. Yet, they also are open to misuse. A study of reports from the United Nations and regional human rights bodies and international nongovernmental organizations identified human rights violations committed by law enforcement officials utilizing riot control agents in at least 95 countries or territories from 2009 to 2013.4 This included misuse of RCAs to torture and ill-treat prisoners; for suppression of freedom of expression, association and assembly; or in conjunction with excessive force, including firearms.
And police and security forces have continued to misuse RCAs, notably to restrict, intimidate, or punish those involved in peaceful protest around the world, whether it be pro-democracy “umbrella movement” demonstrations in Hong Kong in September 20145; Kenyan primary school children opposing the seizure of their playground in Nairobi in January 2015 6, or peaceful church protests in the Democratic Republic of Congo between December 2017 and February 20187. Another worrying RCA application has been along borders against migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. For example, in February 2014 Spanish Civil Guards fired tear gas, rubber bullets and blank ammunition at 200 migrants seeking to swim from Morocco to the Spanish autonomous city of Ceuta; resulting in the death of at least 14 people.8 More recently tear gas has been employed, firstly in October 2018 by Mexican Federal Police, and then in November 2018 by US border forces, against a group of refugees and migrants, including infants and children, from Central America seeking to enter the US.9
A recurring concern voiced by human rights organisations and the medical community has been the use of RCAs in excessive quantities in the open air or in confined spaces, including hospitals, prisons, and homes, where those targeted cannot escape. In such situations, serious injury or death can result from asphyxiation or from the toxic properties of the chemicals employed. This is particularly true for more vulnerable targets including infants, children, the elderly and those with underlying health issues such as asthma, bronchitis or cardiac disease.10 In addition to contravening international human rights standards, the use of RCAs in such excessive amounts appears to breach the CWC “types and quantities” restriction. Regrettably, despite the ongoing misuse of these chemicals by police and security forces, CWC States Parties have not publicly raised any such cases as matters of concern within the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), nor has any OPCW policymaking organ addressed the nature and scope of “law enforcement” under the CWC, clarified the range of permissible circumstances for RCA use and consequent constraints upon such use in line with CWC obligations and international human rights law.
If the OPCW does not take appropriate action, the situation could dramatically worsen as a result of ongoing development, marketing, and potential subsequent deployment of a range of systems capable of delivering far greater amounts of RCAs over wider areas or more extended distances than currently possible with standard law enforcement RCA dispersal mechanisms, such as hand-held sprays, grenades, and single-projectile launchers. In addition to these new “wide area” RCA delivery mechanisms, concerns have grown regarding the related development of “remote control” RCA means of delivery – incorporating automatic or semi-automatic systems where the controller is directing operation of the platform and/or RCA delivery device at a distance from the target.
Ongoing investigations by Bradford University and the Omega Research Foundation have uncovered the development and promotion by a range of State and commercial entities of a wide variety of such RCA means of delivery including: indoor fixed-installation dispersion devices; external area clearing or area denial devices; automatic grenade launchers; multiple munition launchers; large caliber RCA projectiles and munitions, and delivery mechanisms mounted on unmanned ground vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicles (drones).11
Whilst CWC States Parties are prohibited from developing RCA munitions for use in armed conflict, they may manufacture, acquire and utilise delivery systems to disseminate appropriate “types and quantities” of RCAs for law enforcement. However, there is continuing ambiguity as to the nature and specifications of those means of delivery that are prohibited under the Convention. This ambiguity, allowing divergent interpretations, policy and practice amongst States Parties to emerge with regard to “wide area” and “remote control” RCA means of delivery, has potentially dangerous consequences, including:
To date the majority of “wide area” or “remote control” RCA delivery mechanisms documented by Bradford University and the Omega Research Foundation do not currently appear to have been utilised by police or security forces. However we may now be at a tipping point – where proliferation, use and misuse may be beginning. A troubling indication of what could lie ahead was first witnessed in Israel from March 201812, most notably during the response by Israeli security forces to wide spread Palestinian protests marking the “Great March of Return”, particularly on the border between Gaza and Israel. In addition to the use of standard hand-thrown or individual weapon-launched tear gas projectiles, the Israeli forces employed drones which flew above the crowds dropping tear gas projectiles onto the people below, reportedly including peaceful protestors, bystanders and journalists.13
Despite the ongoing development and promotion of a range of “wide area” and “remote control” RCA means of delivery of potential concern, none of the OPCW policy making organs have effectively addressed this situation to date. However a very welcome development has been the intervention by the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) on this issue, initially in their report to the 3rd Review Conference14 and then in their April 2018 report to the 4th Review Conference.15 In this report the SAB highlight the “continued development, testing, production and promotion of diverse munitions systems capable of disseminating RCAs by remote control” and warn that “availability of such systems opens up the possibility that they could be filled intentionally with alternate types of chemicals including CWAs [chemical warfare agents] or CNS-acting compounds.”16
In response to the evidence documented by Bradford University and the Omega Research Foundation, as well as the concerns highlighted by the SAB; the OPCW and its Member States should:
Given the ongoing serious misuse of RCAs and standard delivery mechanisms by law enforcement officials; and the development and promotion of inappropriate RCA means of delivery; the OPCW should address these issues as a matter of urgency. If it fails to act, it will be turning a blind eye to the continued employment of toxic chemicals in human rights violations and will also be risking the future stability of the CWC itself.
Keywords: Chemical Weapons (CW)