Contribution of the Indian Armed Forces to the Second World War: Book Release and Panel Discussion



Welcome Remarks
Arvind Gupta

Writing the History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War: A Brief Overview
History Division, Ministry of Defence, Government of India

Keynote Address
JFR Jacob

Panel Discussion

Opening Remarks
Satish Nambiar

Campaign in South East Asia 1941-42 and The Arakan Operations 1942-45
YM Bammi

Campaign in Western Asia
Rahul K Bhonsle

The East African Campaign 1940-41 and The North African Campaign 1940-43
PK Gautam

Explore the Socio-Economic Impact of the Second World War
UP Thapliyal

Reclaiming Our Legacy
RTS Chhina

Summaries of the Eight Volumes
Amit Kumar

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