The Acquisition of Rafale Aircraft: Facts and Concerns That Ought To Be In the Public Domain

The acrimonious debate in the public space on the acquisition of Rafale aircraft has been primarily focused on a few issues. The debate does not inform the public about the long, arduous and complex nature of the programme and the joint effort invested in it. The uniqueness of this programme is also not in the public domain. It does not specifically inform the lay person as to the rationale for restricting the numbers to two squadrons, and carries on oblivious of the collateral effect it may have on future acquisition programmes. It also does not notice some emerging signs and, most importantly, does not ask the question: “Are 36 aircraft enough to sustain two squadrons over 40 years?”

This paper seeks to share with an interested and informed readership the background facts of the Rafale acquisition programme and answer the abovementioned questions.

About The Author

Group Captain Vinay Kaushal (Retd) is Distinguished Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies & Analyses, New Delhi.

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