Egypt’s Uneasy Transition: Internal and External Dynamics and Challenges for India

Amidst the ‘Arab Spring’ nations, the most keenly watched and followed developments have been in Egypt. Being one of the largest Arab nations, lynchpin of peace treaty with Israel, key US ally and a nation of potent and modern armed forces, Egypt deserved the attention. And so, the success or otherwise of the Arab revolutions hinged on the success or failure in Egypt. However the transition in Egypt has been far from smooth so far. Two ousted presidents, numerous constitutions, number of elections and a busted economy have been the hallmark so far. The transition so far has been a story of misguided goals and badly implemented policies whether it was the army led interim government of SCAF or the Muslim Brotherhood. As President Al Sisi now takes charge, the challenge before Egypt is to emerge from the past and rebuild itself.

About the Author

Colonel Rajeev Agarwal was commissioned into the Regiment of Artillery in June 1990 and has had varied operational and service experience for over 24 years. He has also been a military observer with the United Nations in DRC and holds a Master’s degree in Defence and Strategic Studies from Madras University.

His published work include “Security in the Gulf Region: India’s Concerns, Vulnerabilities, Interests and Engagement Options” in Rumel Dahiya (ed) Developments in the Gulf Region: Prospects and Challenges For India in the Next Two Decades, Pentagon Press, New Delhi, 2013. ‘Arab Spring’ and Democracy: Possibility or an Elusive Idea, Indian Foreign Affairs Journal, Vol 8, No.4, October to December 2013. Monograph on “Turkey and its Quest for Leadership Role in the West Asian Region, IDSA Monograph Series No.32, January 2014. “US Pivot to the Asia Pacific: Impact and Implications for West Asia” (Co-authored) in S D Muni and Vivek Chadha (ed) Asian Strategic Review 2014: US Pivot and Asian Security, Pentagon Press New Delhi 2014. IDSA Occasional Paper No. 34 “Threat of Israel’s Regional Isolation and Imperatives for the Future”, June 2014.

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    Rajeev Agarwal

    Assistant Director (Admin)

    Rajeev Agarwal

    Rajeev Agarwal

    Assistant Director (Admin)