India’s Internal Security Situation: Present Realities and Future Pathways

IDSA Monograph Series No. 23

The Monograph titled India’s Internal Security Situation: Present Realities and Future Pathways deals with the internal security situation in India. It focuses on the Naxal conflict, the Northeastern ethnic armed insurgencies, and terrorism for a detailed study. The author argues that all the three conflict areas have antecedent conditions which are specific to that particular conflict and hence a comparative methodology is not useful to carry forth a work of this nature. Therefore, each conflict has been dealt with as a distinctive chapter. The first chapter provides the introductory observations; the second chapter offers an overview of Naxalism; the third chapter deals with certain significant insurgent groups in the Northeast; and the fourth chapter elaborates on the rise of terrorism in India. Based on the assessment of the three chapters including the introductory chapter, the fifth chapter identifies some “certainties and uncertainties” with regard to Naxalism, the armed conflicts in the Northeast and terrorism and their consequences in 2030. Based on this, three alternative scenarios are crafted and certain policy recommendations offered for consideration.

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Posted On: December 12, 2023

Keywords: India, Left-Wing Extremism, Maoist, Naxal, Northeast India, Terrorism