Land Warfare in the Indian Context: Time for a Transformative Shift?

Issue: 3

The Indian Army is in the process of a transformative effort, envisaging changes not only at the apex level, within the Army Headquarters, but also in the field, with the concept of Integrated Battle Groups likely to be implemented soon. The past record of major changes within the army suggests an incremental approach, and also disconnect between doctrinal thought and restructuring. The only exception were the changes post the 1975 military reforms. With the Land Warfare Doctrine suggesting the future direction of the army’s war fighting priorities, can the ongoing effort at transformation succeed? This will be influenced by the ability to adapt to the changing character of war and by re-prioritising change in light of budgetary realities that are likely to remain consistent into the future. Most importantly, even as structures are created, it is the organisational culture that must drive the transformation for real change to happen.

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Posted On: July 23, 2019

Keywords: Kargil War

  • Vivek Chadha

    Vivek Chadha

    Senior Fellow

    Vivek Chadha

    Vivek Chadha

    Senior Fellow