Troubled Waters, Anniversary Parade, PLA’s Power Projection: Is China a Concern for the World?

Issue: 2

This paper seeks to discuss three important issues concerning China today. The first part analyses the controversial South China Sea dispute that has gained prominence over time, especially after incidents like Bowditch or Impeccable. China’s military build-up in the South China Sea does not necessarily indicate that Beijing will use force to occupy more islands; rather, it seems that China seeks to enhance its military presence to manipulate its bargaining game for future negotiations. The second part deals with the growing political-military strength of the peoples Liberation Army (PLA) and their focus on developing a blue-water navy as well air power to back it up. The paper also digs deep to find out whether Beijing’s actions have become a major concern for the world. The final part focuses on the Anniversary parade that shows how China is getting involved on a major military modernization program to project itself as the dominant power in this region. The paper also argues that limited transparency in China’s military and security affairs have not only given birth to uncertainties, but have increased the potential for misunderstanding and miscalculation.

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Posted On: April 18, 2012

Keywords: China, People's Liberation Army (PLA)