The Tibetan Uprising and Indian Opinion of the Chinese

Issue: 4

China’s cruel repression of the revolt which broke out on 10 March 1959 in Lhasa provoked sharp reactions in India. The mood of agitation that captured the country found expression in the form of a flood of articles, editorials and vivid political caricatures in national newspapers, noted for creating a powerful case in support of the Tibetans and forcefully condemning the Chinese for their imperialistic adventures in Tibet. By engaging with articles published in two Indian national dailies, The Hindu and Hindustan Times, and other relevant bilateral notes, exchanges and agreements, the article attempts to capture public opinion in India in the wake of the Tibetan revolt, primarily working in the direction of bringing out its distinct difference from Nehru’s approach to the question of Tibet. Finer aspects of the disharmony between views held by Nehru and the Indian public on Chinese activities in Tibet are studied in the broader context of Nehru’s highly personalized China policy.

Posted On: October 14, 2012

Keywords: India-China Relations