The Human Element in Military Effectiveness: A Systems Approach

Issue: 1

This paper examines the human issues in the entire system that could make the military more effective recognising the military as a sub-system within the larger system, which is created to address the aims of that very system. It asserts that there is no requirement to institute committees or make any more laws to address the human element issues relating to military effectiveness. The existing politico-legal system being adequate, there is no need for ‘novel’ or ‘creative’ solutions but only the will to effectively and ruthlessly apply them. It points out that military effectiveness is a tri-partite exercise in cooperation. Sound civil-military relations based on mutual respect and trust, an objective media that investigates both failures and successes of all, and a public that supports the military in its legitimate duty constitute the triad of military effectiveness..

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Posted On: January 18, 2011

Keywords: Armed Forces, Civil-Military Relations, India