Outcome Budgeting for Naval Dockyards

Issue: 2

The Indian Navy (IN) has one Naval Dockyard (ND) each at Mumbai and Visakhapatnam and one Naval Ship Repair Yard (NSRY) each at Kochi, Port Blair and Karwar. The repair and refit requirements of IN ships and submarines are collectively met by the above mentioned repair agencies. NDs have the capacity and capability to handle Major Refits (MR). The Operational-cum-Refit cycle of each ship / class of ship is promulgated by IHQ MoD (N) from time to time. Refits of IN ships and submarines are undertaken by the naval yards or off loaded to defence/ private shipyards depending on the capacity and / or expertise. Implementation of outcome budget is exempted as per the guidelines of MoF. However, as per the directives of the defence minister and in accordance with the recommendations of Standing Committee on Defence, the outcome budget in respect of NDs has been prepared for the year 2010-11. This paper briefly traces the evolution of the concept of outcome budget in India and thereafter brings out the experiences during the preparation of the
first ever Outcome Budget for Indian naval yards.

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Posted On: April 19, 2011

Keywords: Defence Budget, Indian Navy