India’s Quest for Strategic Autonomy: Opportunities and Challenges in the Emerging World Order

Issue: 1

Good morning! General (Gen) Anil Chauhan, (Lt) Gen Bansi Ponnappa, (Lt) Gen Suchindra Kumar, (Lt) Gen Ata Hasnain, ladies and gentlemen, it is a great privilege for me to be invited this morning to be a part of the 5th General K.V. Krishna Rao Memorial Lecture. It is truly a great honour for me. I did have a chance to meet the legendary General in 1982, at a social event organised by Gen S.K. Sinha. It was the only time I met Gen Krishna Rao in flesh and blood, but I have heard a great deal about him and his outstanding attributes.

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  • Amb. Sujan R. Chinoy

    Amb. Sujan R. Chinoy

    Director General