HQ Integrated Defence Staff in the National Security Structure

Issue: 3

The Headquarters Integrated Defence Staff (HQ IDS) was one of the major structures raised after the Kargil conflict of 1999, representing, for the first time since independence, a step towards integration of the three armed forces with other relevant elements of power. This article situates and examines the functions of HQ IDS in the broader context of India’s national security architecture. It begins by giving a historical overview of the higher defence organisation in India, the issues pertaining to its security architecture, and the far-reaching impact of Kargil on these. It then moves on to a detailed discussion of HQ IDS, its current status and possible future trajectory. It suggests the way forward for HQ IDS and argues for the alignment of defence planning and capability development along with the wider national security paradigm.

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Posted On: July 23, 2019

Keywords: Kargil War