Belarus: Russia’s Cat’s Paw

Issue: 2

Belarus has managed to escape the scanner of major countries reserved for rogue nations despite blatant violations of the laid-down international rules. Alexander Lukashenko, the President of Belarus, despite his moral credentials badly shaken after trumped up elections in 2020 still seems to be holding firm ground due to the unstinted support offered by Russia, an acknowledged military powerhouse. Despite committing grave acts of provocation endangering security of many nations, Belarus seems to have its way due to the strategic advantage it offers Russia in its dealing with NATO nations and Ukraine, an old friend turned new enemy on date. Further, Belarus has turned out to be an echo chamber of the Russian establishment and follows the predicted pathway paved by the Russians and is greatly assisting the aspirations of Putin who hopes to regain the lost glory of the erstwhile USSR.

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Posted On: April 15, 2022

Keywords: Belarus, Russia