‘Anusandhan’-led ‘Atmanirbhar’ UAS Industry in India

Issue: 4

Policy and technology initiatives are important pillars for building high-value, high-technology industries. Information technology and automobile industries, despite their contribution to Indian economy, have remained relatively low-value industries as maximum profits go to foreign companies. The Indian unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) industry, led by start-ups and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), has the potential to change the trajectory and become intellectual property-led high-value industry. The Drone Rules, 2021, notified on 25 August, has set into motion a series of policy reforms, providing muchneeded stimulus to the Indian UAS industry. India is aiming to become a global drone hub by 2030; however, its UAS manufacturing industry faces certain challenges and policy implementation contradictions. An examination of technological initiatives taken by global leaders in UAS technologies and lack of corresponding initiatives in India indicates significant technological gaps. Therefore, ‘anusandhan’ (research) becomes an important pillar for covering these gaps and building a selfreliant high-technology, high-value globally competitive UAS industry in India.

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Posted On: October 14, 2022
  • Rajiv Kumar Narang

    Rajiv Kumar Narang

    Senior Fellow

    Rajiv Kumar Narang

    Rajiv Kumar Narang

    Senior Fellow