Jihadis in Jammu and Kashmir: A Portrait Gallery

Publishers: IDSA and Sage

ISBN: 0-7619-9785-7

Rs 380

About the Book

India’s relentless fight against cross-border terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir is well known. However, what is not so well known is the pattern of terrorist activity and the tactics of the different tanzeems or organizations, particularly during the troubled decades from 1980 to 2000.

This book is in two parts. Part One deals briefly with the origins of the Kashmir dispute and demystifies the pattern of terrorist incidents since 1989 up to the Assembly elections in 2002. It analyses arms supply, training, funding of selective militant tanzeems, and their ‘outside’ links.

Part Two is a handy reference with portraits of 31 tanzeems, their objectives, sponsors, organizational structure, leadership, areas of operations, major acts of terrorism, and fission, fusion and current status.

This timely and comprehensive book will be of great interest to both analysts and the general reader.