Indian Ocean Naval Symposium: Uniting the Maritime Indian Ocean Region

Issue: 3

The Indian Ocean, the third largest oceanic expanse in the world, is the birthplace of maritime civilisation and has always been an ‘active’ ocean. It is now perceived to be the world’s centre of gravity in strategic terms, proving the prophetic words that are often attributed to A.T. Mahan: ‘Whoever controls the Indian Ocean will dominate Asia … the destiny of the world would be decided on its waters’.

Unfortunately, despite a shared heritage of colonial subjugation, common maritime threats and an increasing dependence on seaborne trade for their existence, the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) has witnessed minimal maritime bonding between its littorals. While these commonalities and drivers should have encouraged a strong sense of supra-regional cohesion and identity, issues about the sea have regrettably not been given the importance they deserve.

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Posted On: May 1, 2012

Keywords: Indian Ocean Region, Naval