India Russia Military Cooperation Which Way Forward?

Issue: 3

This article considers the relationship—in defence terms—between India and Russia. It looks at the level of military cooperation and the nexus the two countries have created in regard to arms transfers and their joint research into, and production of, weapons systems. This relationship is, of course, one that is constantly evolving as different strategic and political pressures come to bear. The analysis here concentrates on the current standing of the defence links between Delhi and Moscow. Evidence is presented to show that, at the moment, Russia is keen for both political and economic reasons to see the relationship continue to grow. India, for its part, is not quite so enthusiastic. But this is, as this article argues, a relationship that does seem to offer significant advantages to both sides. It has come under strain, yes, but it makes perfect sense for it not only to continue, but also to actually strengthen.

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Posted On: July 12, 2012

Keywords: Defence Acquisition, Defence Diplomacy, India-Russia Relations