Human Security Approach to Internal Security: Case Study of Reconciliation and Insurgency in Tamenglong, Manipur

Issue: 4
Strategic Essay

Human security as a concept contends that the appropriate referent for peace and security should be the individual instead of the state. This Essay explores whether a human security-centred approach, i.e., a focus on the individual citizen’s concerns and security complements rather than contradicts state and national security. There are at the level of an individual citizen graver concerns and threats such as disease, hunger, poverty, environmental degradation, violations of human rights and other fundamental issues that cause greater human suffering and deaths which eludes the security establishment. A human security approach addresses the prevention aspect rather than prescribing the cure that security establishments tend to prefer.

Full Article
Posted On: July 1, 2018

Keywords: Counter Insurgency, Manipur

  • D. Padma Kumar Pillay

    D. Padma Kumar Pillay

    Research Fellow

    D. Padma Kumar Pillay

    D. Padma Kumar Pillay

    Research Fellow