M. Bhushan, Silent Weapons Deadly Weapons: Unveiling the Bioweapons Arms Race, Pathak Publishers and Distributors, 2024, pp. 148

Issue: 3-4
Book Review

This timely book examines the evolving threat landscape of lethal chemical and biological weapons (CBW) and toxins. It places them in the broader context of key global events like the Cold War, debates about their ethical use, treaties, and their exploitative use by State actors since the 20th century. As rightly stated by the author, the use of CBW is a grey-zone tactic, granting those partaking in its weaponisation, plausible deniability in the event of public condemnation upon discovery of its application. Download Complete [PDF]

  • Saman Ayesha Kidwai

    Saman Ayesha Kidwai

    Research Analyst