Pakistan Occupied Kashmir: The Untold Story

Publisher: Manas Publications
ISBN 81-7049-315-3
Rs. 495 [Download E-Copy] [Buy Now]

Pakistan Occupied Kashmir: The Untold Truth’ is a book about the territory of Jammu & Kashmir under Pakistani occupation. The region has been split up into two administrative units: Gilgit-Baltistan and Mirpur-Muzaffarabad, officially termed by Pakistanis as the ‘Northern Areas, and ‘Azad Kashmir’ respectively. The media has constantly focussed on the Kashmir Valley, while the POK has remained neglected. Ignorance about the region borders on apathy. Even the circumstances under which the territory was occupied and the manner in which it was annexed by Pakistan have not been investigated by the scholars in requisite detail. The book traces the circumstances surrounding Pakistan’s occupation of the territory, its current legal status, the growing popular discontentment and much more about POK’s inside truth. Published in Collaboration with Institute for Defence Studies & Analyses (IDSA)

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